Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Surah Maryam verse no 35

 It does not befit Allah to appoint someone as His son – Purity is to Him! When He ordains a matter, He just commands it, “Be” – and it thereupon happens.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Surah Al-Furqan verse no 59

The One Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days, then befitting His Majesty, established Himself upon the Throne (of control); the Most Gracious – therefore ask the one who knows, concerning Him!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Surah Ta-Ha verse no 109

On that day no one’s intercession shall benefit except his to whom the Most Gracious has given permission and whose word He has liked. (The Holy Prophets and virtuous people will be given the permission to intercede. Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him – will be the first to intercede.)

Surah Fatir verse no 11

And Allah created you from clay, then a drop of liquid, then made you as couples; and no female conceives or gives birth except with His knowledge; and every aged being that is given the age, and every one whose life is kept short – all this is in a Book; indeed this is easy for Allah. 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Surah Al-Furqan verse no 63-64

And the bondmen of the Most Gracious who walk upon the earth humbly, and when the ignorant address them they answer, “Peace”. (Good –bye) And who spend the night prostrating and standing, for their Lord. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Ghazwa Khandaq in the Quran

O People who believe! Remember the favour of Allah upon you when some armies came against you, so We sent against them a windstorm and the armies you could not see; and Allah sees your deeds.
[Ahzab 33:9]

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ancient Civilizations in Quran

And every group has a promise; so when its promise comes, it cannot be postponed for a moment or brought forward.

[Aa`raf 7:34]

O Descendants of Adam! If Noble Messengers from among you come to you narrating My verses - so whoever practices piety and reforms - upon him shall be no fear nor shall he grieve.

[Aa`raf 7:35]


Monday, September 10, 2018

Surah Ar-Ra'd verse no 22

Those who were patient in order to gain their Lord’s pleasure and kept the prayer established and spent in Our cause part of what We bestowed upon them, secretly and openly, and repel evil by responding with goodness – for them is the gain of the final abode.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Surah Al-Rurqan verse no 53

 And it is He Who caused the two joint seas to flow- one is palatable, very sweet, and the other is salty, very bitter; and kept a veil between them and a preventing barrier.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Surah Ar-Raad verse no 14

Only the prayer to Him is truthful; and whomever they pray to besides Him, do not hear them at all, but like one who has his hands outstretched towards water that it may come into his mouth, and it will never come; and every prayer of the disbelievers remains wandering.

کامیابی کیا ہے؟ عبدالرزاق قادری

 کامیابی: مختلف اوقات، ادوار اور حالات میں کامیابی کی تعریف بدلتی رہتی ہے۔ 1۔ روتے شیرخوار کے لیے دودھ مل جانا۔ پیمپر چینج ہو جانا کامیابی ہ...