Monday, June 11, 2018

Surah Al-Baqarah verse no 286

 Allah does not burden anyone, except with something within its capacity; beneficial for it is the virtue it earned, and harmful for it is the evil it earned; “Our Lord! Do not seize us if we forget or are mistaken; our Lord! And do not place on us a heavy burden (responsibility) as You did on those before us; our Lord! And do not impose on us a burden, for which we do not have the strength; and pardon us – and forgive us – and have mercy on us – You are our Master, therefore help us against the disbelievers.” 

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کامیابی کیا ہے؟ عبدالرزاق قادری

 کامیابی: مختلف اوقات، ادوار اور حالات میں کامیابی کی تعریف بدلتی رہتی ہے۔ 1۔ روتے شیرخوار کے لیے دودھ مل جانا۔ پیمپر چینج ہو جانا کامیابی ہ...