Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Surah Al-Kahf verse no 13,14

We shall narrate their account to you accurately; they were young men who believed in their Lord, and We increased the guidance for them. And We made their hearts steadfast when they stood up and said, “Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth – we shall not worship any other deity except Him – if it were, we have then said something excessive.” 

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کامیابی کیا ہے؟ عبدالرزاق قادری

 کامیابی: مختلف اوقات، ادوار اور حالات میں کامیابی کی تعریف بدلتی رہتی ہے۔ 1۔ روتے شیرخوار کے لیے دودھ مل جانا۔ پیمپر چینج ہو جانا کامیابی ہ...